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Merge short SEG-Y files#

Utility script to merge short SEG-Y file(s) with longer ones.


Merge short SEG-Y files (here: < 2000 kB, ~50 traces) with an appropriate file recorded before or after. For this decision, the spatial distance between subsequent traces is used to determine the SEG-Y file to merge with.


This script is designed to be used from the terminal (i.e. command line).

Command line interface#

The script can handle two different inputs:

  1. datalist of files to process (e.g., datalist.txt)
  2. directory with input files (e.g., /input_dir)

There are two options to run the script. We recommend using the CLI entry point like:

>>> 01_merge_segys {datalist.txt | </directory>} [optional parameters]

Alternatively, the script can be executed using the (more verbose) command:

>>> python -m pseudo_3D_interpolation.merge_segys {datalist.txt | </directory>} [optional parameters]

Optionally, the following parameters can be specified:

  • --help, -h: Show help.
  • --filename_suffix {SUFFIX}: Filename suffix (e.g. pad, static) to filter input files. Only used if directory is specified (default: None)
  • --suffix {sgy}: File suffix (default: sgy). Only used if directory is specified.
  • --txt_suffix {despk}: Suffix to append to output filename (default: merge).
  • --filesize_kB: Threshold filesize (in kilobyte) to determine which SEG-Y will be merged (default: 2000 kB).
  • --verbose {LEVEL}, -V: Level of output verbosity (default: 0).

Last update: Monday, 03 July 2023 at 09:46:51