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Mistie correction#

Compensate mistie for SEG-Y file(s) via cross-correlation of nearest traces of intersecting lines.


This script corrects the vertical mistie at profile intersections by calculating an individual (i.e. global) bulk shift value for each input profile using least-squars minimization. In case of several overlapping profiles with many intersections, this closed-loop configuration (Harper, 1991) can be represented as a set of over-determined equations and solved following the approach proposed by Bishop and Nunns (1994).

Mistie (in time domain) for individual TOPAS profiles

Figure 1: Mistie (in time domain) for individual TOPAS profiles (left).

The general workflow is summarized in the following steps:

  1. Calclulate profile intersections
  2. Extract nearest trace(s) at intersections based on euclidean distance (optionally in user-defined vertical window)
  3. Create reference trace from nearest traces (reduce effect of noisy traces)
    • calculating trace envelope for more performant cross-correlation
  4. Compute cross-correlation of reference traces
  5. Remove low-quality cross-correlation using an user-defined quality threshold (Pearson's correlation coefficient in SciPy)
  6. Calculate single bulk shift value for each profile using least-squares minimization
  7. Apply bulk shift (for individual lines)

Mistie (in time domain) for individual TOPAS profiles Mistie (in time domain) for individual TOPAS profiles

Figure 2: Conceptual mistie correction at intersection of two examplary profiles.


This script is designed to be used from the terminal (i.e. command line).

Command line interface#

The script can handle two different inputs:

  1. datalist of files to process (e.g., datalist.txt)
  2. directory with input files (e.g., /input_dir)

There are two options to run the script. We recommend using the CLI entry point like:

>>> 07_correct_mistie {filename.sgy | datalist.txt | </directory>} [optional parameters]

Alternatively, the script can be executed using the (more verbose) command:

>>> python -m pseudo_3D_interpolation.mistie_correction_segy {filename.sgy | datalist.txt | </directory>} [optional parameters]

Optionally, the following parameters can be specified:

  • --help, -h: Show help.
  • --output_dir {DIR}: Output directory (either --inplace or --output_dir are required!).
  • --inplace: Replace input data without creating copy (either --inplace or --output_dir are required!).
  • --suffix {sgy}: File suffix (default: sgy). Only used if directory is specified.
  • --filename_suffix {SUFFIX}: Filename suffix (e.g. pad, static) to filter input files. Only used if directory is specified.
  • --txt_suffix {despk}: Suffix to append to output filename (default: despk).
  • --coords_origin: Origin of (shotpoint) coordinates (i.e. navigation).
    • header (default): Extract coordinates from SEG-Y header(s).
    • aux: Read previously extracted coordinates from auxiliary file.
  • --coords_path: Path to SEG-Y directory (coords_origin=header) or navigation file with coordinates (coords_origin=aux)
  • --win_cc: Upper/lower trace window limits used for cross-correlation (in ms), e.g., for using only seafloor reflection.
  • --quality_threshold: Cut-off threshold for cross-correlation [0-1] used to remove noisy/insufficient intersections.
  • --write_aux: Write mistie offsets to auxiliary file (*.mst).
  • --write_QC: Write line intersections and nearest traces to GeoPackage (*.gpkg).
  • --verbose {LEVEL}, -V: Level of output verbosity (default: 0).


  • Harper, Michael D. 1991. “Seismic Mis‐tie Resolution Technique.” Geophysics 56 (11): 1825–30.
  • Bishop, Thomas N., and Alan G. Nunns. 1994. “Correcting Amplitude, Time, and Phase Mis‐ties in Seismic Data.” Geophysics 59 (6): 946–53.

Last update: Monday, 03 July 2023 at 09:46:51