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Time to frequency domain conversion#

Apply a time to frequency domain conversion using a 1D Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) along the time axis of an input 3D cube.


This script uses xrft.xrft.fft to compute the forward FFT. xrft is build on xarray, dask and numpy and preserves netCDF metadata during computations.

Command line interface#

The script needs a single netCDF (3D) as input (in time domain):

There are two options to run the script. We recommend using the CLI entry point like:

>>> 12_cube_apply_FFT /path/to/ --params_netcdf /path/to/config.yml [optional parameters]
Alternatively, the script can be executed using the (more verbose) command:
>>> python -m pseudo_3D_interpolation.cube_apply_FFT /path/to/ \
      --params_netcdf /path/to/config.yml [optional parameters]

Optionally, the following parameters can be specified:

  • --help, -h: Show help.
  • --params_netcdf: Path of netCDF parameter file (YAML format). Required!
  • --prefix: Prefix for new netCDF variable and coordinate.
  • --compute_real: Compute FFT assuming real input and thus discarting redundant negative frequencies.
  • --filter {lowpass | highpass | bandpass}: Optional filter to apply prior to FFT computation.
  • --filter_freqs: Filter corner frequencies (in Hz).
  • --verbose {LEVEL}, -V: Level of output verbosity (default: 0).

Last update: Monday, 03 July 2023 at 09:46:51