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Utility function to apply forward FFT along specified axis of 3D cube (netCDF).

get_freq_filter_win(filter_freqs, frequencies, dim='freq_twt', filter_type='lowpass') #

Calculate filter window (highpass, lowpass, or bandpass) in frequency domain.


  • filter_freqs (list) –

    Cut-off frequencies as [fmin, fmax] for highpass or lowpass and [f1, f2, f3, f4] for bandpass. Must be same units as frequencies (e.g., kHz).

  • frequencies (DataArray) –

    DataArray coordinate of frequencies. Must be same units as filter_freqs(e.g., kHz).

  • filter_type (str, default: 'lowpass' ) –

    Filter type in frequency domain (default: lowpass)


  • DataArray

    Filter window with values in range [0, 1] that can be used for multiplication.

Source code in pseudo_3D_interpolation\
def get_freq_filter_win(
    filter_freqs: list,
    frequencies: xr.DataArray,
    dim: str = 'freq_twt',
    filter_type: str = 'lowpass',
) -> xr.DataArray:
    Calculate filter window (`highpass`, `lowpass`, or `bandpass`) in frequency domain.

    filter_freqs : list
        Cut-off frequencies as [fmin, fmax] for `highpass` or `lowpass`
        and [f1, f2, f3, f4] for `bandpass`. Must be same units as `frequencies` (e.g., kHz).
    frequencies : xr.DataArray
        DataArray coordinate of frequencies. Must be same units as `filter_freqs`(e.g., kHz).
    filter_type : str, optional
        Filter type in frequency domain (default: `lowpass`)

        Filter window with values in range [0, 1] that can be used for multiplication.

    if filter_type in ['lowpass', 'highpass']:
        fmin = min(filter_freqs)
        fmax = max(filter_freqs)

        constant_values = _get_const_values(kind=filter_type)

        # get sample numbers for each interval
        n_lower = np.count_nonzero(frequencies < fmin)
        n_stopband = np.count_nonzero((frequencies >= fmin) & (frequencies <= fmax))
        n_higher = np.count_nonzero(frequencies > fmax)
        # print(n_lower, n_stopband, n_higher)

        # create full bandpass stopband
        stopband = _get_stopband(n_stopband, kind=filter_type)

    elif filter_type == 'bandpass':
        f1, f2, f3, f4 = filter_freqs

        constant_values = _get_const_values(filter_type)

        # get sample numbers for each interval
        n_lower = np.count_nonzero(frequencies < f1)
        n_stopband_low = np.count_nonzero((frequencies >= f1) & (frequencies <= f2))
        n_stopband = np.count_nonzero((frequencies > f2) & (frequencies < f3))
        n_stopband_high = np.count_nonzero((frequencies >= f3) & (frequencies <= f4))
        n_higher = np.count_nonzero(frequencies > f4)
        # print(n_lower, n_stopband_low, n_stopband, n_stopband_high, n_higher)

        # get stopband for lower freqs
        stopband_low = _get_stopband(n_stopband_low, kind='highpass')
        # print('stopband_low', stopband_low.shape)

        # get stopband for higher freqs
        stopband_high = _get_stopband(n_stopband_high, kind='lowpass')
        # print('stopband_high', stopband_high.shape)

        # create full bandpass stopband
        stopband = np.hstack((stopband_low, np.ones((n_stopband,)), stopband_high))
        # print('stopband', stopband.shape)

    # create full filter window
    filter_window = np.pad(
        stopband, pad_width=(n_lower, n_higher), mode='constant', constant_values=(constant_values,)

    return xr.DataArray(filter_window, dims=[dim], coords={dim:})

get_freq_filter_mask(da, dim, freqs, filter_type='lowpass') #

Return mask of filtered frequency samples.


  • da ((DataArray, Dataset)) –

    Input data (in frequency domin).

  • dim (str) –

    Name of frequency dimension (default: 'freq_{NAME}').

  • freqs (list) –

    List of filter frequencies as [fmin, fmax] (lowpass, highpass) or [f1, f2, f3, f4] (bandpass).

  • filter_type (str, default: 'lowpass' ) –

    Filter type (default: 'lowpass'). Available options are 'lowpass', 'higpass' and 'bandpass'.


  • DataArray

    Boolean mask DataArray (for multiplication with input data).

Source code in pseudo_3D_interpolation\
def get_freq_filter_mask(
        da: xr.DataArray,
        dim: str,
        freqs: list,
        filter_type: str = 'lowpass'
) -> xr.DataArray:
    Return mask of filtered frequency samples.

    da : xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset
        Input data (in frequency domin).
    dim : str
        Name of frequency dimension (default: 'freq_{NAME}').
    freqs : list
        List of filter frequencies as [fmin, fmax] (lowpass, highpass) or [f1, f2, f3, f4] (bandpass).
    filter_type : str, optional
        Filter type (default: 'lowpass'). Available options are 'lowpass', 'higpass' and 'bandpass'.

        Boolean mask DataArray (for multiplication with input data).

    filter_freqs = sorted(freqs)
    if filter_type == 'lowpass':
        assert len(freqs) == 2, 'Please provide filter frequencies as [fmin, fmax]'
        return da[dim] <= filter_freqs[-1]
    elif filter_type == 'highpass':
        assert len(freqs) == 2, 'Please provide filter frequencies as [fmin, fmax]'
        return da[dim] >= filter_freqs[0]
    elif filter_type == 'bandpass':
        assert len(freqs) == 4, 'Please provide filter frequencies as [f1, f2, f3, f4]'
        return np.logical_and(da[dim] >= filter_freqs[0], da[dim] <= filter_freqs[-1])

main(argv=sys.argv, return_dataset=False) #

Apply FFT along time axis wrapper function.

Source code in pseudo_3D_interpolation\
def main(argv=sys.argv, return_dataset=False):  # noqa
    """Apply FFT along _time_ axis wrapper function."""
    TODAY ='%Y-%m-%d')
    SCRIPT = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]

    parser = define_input_args()
    args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])  # exclude filename parameter at position 0

    path_cube = args.path_cube
    dir_work, filename = os.path.split(path_cube)
    basename, suffix = os.path.splitext(filename)
    fout = basename.replace('twt', f'{args.prefix}')
    fout += f'_up-{args.upsampling_factor}' if args.upsampling_factor > 1 else ''
    fout += '-trunc' if args.drop_filtered_freq else ''
    path_cube_freq = os.path.join(dir_work, fout + suffix)

    prefix = f'{args.prefix}_'

    # load netCDF metadata
    with open(args.params_netcdf, 'r') as f_attrs:
        kwargs_nc = yaml.safe_load(f_attrs)

    # (1) Open cube dataset
    cube_time2freq = xr.open_dataset(path_cube, chunks='auto', engine='h5netcdf')

    # get parameter names
    dim = [d for d in list(cube_time2freq.dims) if d not in ['iline', 'xline']][0]
    var = [v for v in list(cube_time2freq.data_vars) if v not in ['fold', 'amp_ref']][0]
    var_new = f'{prefix}{var}'  # 'freq'
    dim_new = f'{prefix}{dim}'

    # rechunk
    chunks = {dim: -1, 'iline': 15, 'xline': -1}
    cube_time2freq = cube_time2freq.chunk(chunks)

    attrs_var = {}

    # (2) Compute FFT along time axis (twt, il, xl) --> (freq, il, xl)
    xprint('Compute FFT along time axis', kind='info', verbosity=args.verbose)
    dim_size = cube_time2freq[dim].size
    if dim_size % 2 != 0:
                f'Selected dim `{dim}` has odd length ({dim_size}), ',
                'which causes issues for inverse FFT. Last slice will be removed!',
        dim_slice = slice(0, dim_size - 1)
        dim_slice = slice(None)

    # get shape of FFT output (optionally: higher resolution determined by `upsampling-factor`)
    shape = {dim: args.upsampling_factor * cube_time2freq[var][dim_slice][dim].size}
    history_reso = f' FACTOR x{args.upsampling_factor}' if args.upsampling_factor > 1 else ''

    # apply FFT
    cube_freq = (
        xrft.fft(  # don't use window function --> incorrect amplitude preservation
            real_dim=dim if args.compute_real else None,

    # add fold DataArray
    cube_freq = cube_freq.assign(fold=cube_time2freq.fold)

    # (3) apply frequency domain filter
    if args.filter is not None:
        if args.filter_freqs is None:
            raise ValueError('Filter frequencies must be specified!')

        # convert filter_freqs if neccessary
        units = cube_time2freq[dim].attrs.get('units')
        divisor = 1000 if units == 'ms' else 1
        filter_freqs = [f / divisor for f in args.filter_freqs]

            f'Apply > {args.filter} < filter ({"/".join([str(round(f * divisor)) for f in filter_freqs])} Hz) in frequency domain',
            kind='info', verbosity=args.verbose,
        filter_window = get_freq_filter_win(
            filter_freqs, frequencies=cube_freq[dim_new], dim=dim_new, filter_type=args.filter

        # cube_freq[var_new] *= filter_window  # TODO: remove
        cube_freq[var_new] = (cube_freq[var_new] * filter_window).astype('complex64')

        # OPTIONAL: drop filtered frequency samples (i.e. slices) to reduce disk space
        if args.drop_filtered_freq and args.filter == 'lowpass':
            cube_freq[dim_new].attrs['nfft'] = cube_freq[dim_new].size  # store original data size for later reconstruction
            mask_filtered = get_freq_filter_mask(cube_freq, dim_new, freqs=filter_freqs, filter_type=args.filter)
            cube_freq = cube_freq.drop_dims('freq_twt').assign(
                {f'{var_new}': cube_freq[var_new].where(mask_filtered, drop=True).astype('complex64')}
        elif args.drop_filtered_freq and args.filter != 'lowpass':
            warnings.warn(f'Filter type `{args.filter}` does not support dropping of frequency slices')

        # update metadata
        _filter_freq_str = '/'.join(str(f) for f in args.filter_freqs)
        attrs_var = {'filter': args.filter, 'filter_freq_Hz': _filter_freq_str}
        history_filter = f' {args.filter.upper()} ({_filter_freq_str} Hz)'

    # (4) update & assign attributes
    cube_freq.attrs = cube_time2freq.attrs
            'long_name': cube_time2freq.attrs["long_name"] + ' (frequency domain)',
            'description': cube_time2freq.attrs["description"] + ' (frequency domain)',
            'history': cube_time2freq.attrs["history"]
            + f'{SCRIPT}: FFT({var}){history_reso}{history_filter if args.filter is not None else ""};',
            'text': cube_time2freq.attrs.get('text', '')
            + f'\n{TODAY}: FFT(TIME){history_reso}{history_filter if args.filter is not None else ""}'
    cube_freq[var_new].attrs.update({'original_var': var})
    if kwargs_nc is not None:
        cube_freq[var_new].attrs.update(kwargs_nc['attrs_freq'].get('data', {}))  # data attributes
        cube_freq[var_new].attrs.update(attrs_var)  # add filter attributes
            kwargs_nc['attrs_freq'].get('new_dim', {})
        )  # new dim attributes

    # (5) Write full volume to netCDF (il, xl, freq)
    with dask.config.set(scheduler='threads'), show_progressbar(ProgressBar(), verbose=args.verbose):
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=UserWarning)
            cube_freq.to_netcdf(path=path_cube_freq, engine='h5netcdf', invalid_netcdf=True)

    if return_dataset:
        return cube_freq

Last update: Monday, 03 July 2023 at 09:46:51