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Utility script to apply various processing functions to 3D cube. These include:

  • amplitude gain (time-variant)
  • amplitude balancing (time-invariant)
  • frequency filtering (bandpass, lowpass, highpass)
  • resampling (up, down)
  • trace envelope calculation

ParseGainArguments #

Bases: Action

Parse gain arguments into dict.

Source code in pseudo_3D_interpolation\
class ParseGainArguments(argparse.Action):
    """Parse gain arguments into dict."""

    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, args, option_string=None):  # noqa
        setattr(namespace, self.dest, dict())
        for arg in args:
            key, val = arg.split('=')
            if key.lower() == 'linear':
                from ast import literal_eval
                val = literal_eval(val)
            elif key.lower() == 'pgc':
                val = val.strip('((').strip('))').split('),(')
                val = {float(s.split(',')[0]): float(s.split(',')[1]) for s in val}
                val = float(val)
            getattr(namespace, self.dest)[key] = val

main(argv=sys.argv, return_dataset=False) #

Preprocess 3D cube wrapper function.

Source code in pseudo_3D_interpolation\
def main(argv=sys.argv, return_dataset=False):  # noqa
    """Preprocess 3D cube wrapper function."""
    TODAY ='%Y-%m-%d')
    SCRIPT = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]

    parser = define_input_args()
    args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])  # exclude filename parameter at position 0
    xprint(args, kind='debug', verbosity=args.verbose)

    path_cube = args.path_cube
    dir_work, filename = os.path.split(path_cube)
    basename, suffix = os.path.splitext(filename)

    fsuffix = 'AGC' if args.gain and 'agc' in '\t'.join(args.gain) else args.fsuffix
    path_cube_proc = os.path.join(dir_work, f'{basename}_{fsuffix}.nc')

    # sanity checks
    if args.resampling_interval is not None:
        xprint('Using `resampling_interval` for resampling', kind='info', verbosity=args.verbose)
        resampling_interval = args.resampling_interval
        resampling_factor = None
    elif args.resampling_frequency is not None:
        xprint('Using `resampling_frequency` for resampling', kind='info', verbosity=args.verbose)
        resampling_interval = (1 / args.resampling_frequency) * 1000
        resampling_factor = None
    elif args.resampling_factor is not None:
        xprint('Using `resampling_factor` for resampling', kind='info', verbosity=args.verbose)
        resampling_interval = None
        resampling_factor = args.resampling_factor

    # (0) Open cube dataset
    cube = xr.open_dataset(path_cube, chunks='auto', engine='h5netcdf')

    # get parameter names
    dim = [d for d in list(cube.dims) if d not in ['iline', 'xline']][0]
    core_dims = (['xline', dim], )  # if 'agc' in '\t'.join(args.gain) else (['xline', dim], )
    var = [v for v in list(cube.data_vars) if v != 'fold'][0]
    var_ref = f'{var}_ref'
    xprint(f'dim:       {dim}', kind='debug', verbosity=args.verbose)
    xprint(f'core_dims: {core_dims}', kind='debug', verbosity=args.verbose)
    xprint(f'var:       {var}', kind='debug', verbosity=args.verbose)

    # rechunk
    # chunks = {dim: -1, 'iline': 1, 'xline': 10} if 'agc' in '\t'.join(args.gain) else {dim: -1, 'iline': 15, 'xline': -1}
    chunks = {dim: -1, 'iline': 15, 'xline': -1}
    cube = cube.chunk(chunks)
    xprint(f'chunks:    {chunks}', kind='debug', verbosity=args.verbose)

    twt_s = convert_twt(cube[var].twt.values, cube.twt.attrs.get('units', 'ms'), 's')
    dt = cube[dim].attrs.get('dt', np.median(np.diff(cube[dim].data)))  # sampling rate (ms)
    n_samples = cube[dim].size

    # init output cube
    cube_proc = cube.copy()

    # load netCDF metadata
    if args.params_netcdf is not None:
        with open(args.params_netcdf, 'r') as f_attrs:
            kwargs_nc = yaml.safe_load(f_attrs)
        kwargs_nc = None

    var_new = 'env' if args.envelope else var
    attrs_var = kwargs_nc['attrs_time'][var_new] if kwargs_nc is not None else cube[var].attrs
    _history = f'{SCRIPT}:'
    _text = f'{TODAY}: '

    # (1) balance traces (time-invariant)
    if args.balance is not None:
        balance = args.balance
        xprint(f'Balance traces using < {balance} > amplitude for scaling (time-invariant)',
               kind='info', verbosity=args.verbose)

        # compute reference amplitude per trace
        kwargs_func = dict(scale=balance)
        ref_amplitudes = cube[var].reduce(
            calc_reference_amplitude, dim='twt', keep_attrs=True, **kwargs_func
        cube_proc[var] = (cube[var] / ref_amplitudes)

        # update metadata
        attrs_var.update({'balanced': f'{balance} amplitude'})
        _history += f' amplitude balancing ({balance}),'
        _text += 'BALANCE.'

        if args.store_ref_amp:
            cube_proc[var_ref] = ref_amplitudes
            cube_proc[var_ref].attrs = {
                'description': 'Reference amplitudes used to scale traces',
                'method': f'{balance} scaling',
                'units': cube[var].attrs.get('units', '-'),

    # (2) apply time-variant gain function
    if args.gain is not None:
        xprint(f'Apply time-variant gain function using {"samples" if args.use_samples else "TWT"} ({", ".join(args.gain)})',
               kind='info', verbosity=args.verbose)

        kwargs_gain = args.gain
        xprint(args.gain, kind='debug', verbosity=args.verbose)
        # kwargs_gain = dict([
        #     (
        #         p.split('=')[0],
        #         # p.split('=')[1]
        #         bool(p.split('=')[1]) if p.split('=')[1].lower() in ['true', 'false']
        #         else (
        #             tuple(p.split('=')[1]) if p.split('=')[0].lower() == 'linear'
        #             else (
        #                 dict(p.split('=')[1]) if p.split('=')[0].lower() == 'pgc'
        #                 else float(p.split('=')[1])
        #             )
        #         )
        #     ) for p in kwargs_gain
        # ])
        # xprint(args.gain, kind='debug', verbosity=args.verbose)
        kwargs_gain['twt'] = np.arange(twt_s.size) if args.use_samples else twt_s

        # apply gain function(s)
        cube_proc[var] = xr.apply_ufunc(
            input_core_dims=core_dims,  # (['twt', 'xline'], ),
            output_core_dims=core_dims,  # (['twt', 'xline'], ),

        # update metadata
        kwargs_gain_str = ' '.join([
            f'{key}={val}' for key, val in kwargs_gain.items() if key != 'twt'
        kwargs_gain_str += ' (sample-based)' if args.use_samples else ' (TWT-based)'
        attrs_var.update({'gain': kwargs_gain_str})
        _history += f' amplitude gain ({kwargs_gain_str}),'
        _text += 'GAIN.'

    if args.filter is not None:
        if args.filter_freqs is None:
            raise ValueError('Filter frequencies must be specified!')
            filter_freqs_str = [str(f) for f in args.filter_freqs]

        kwargs_filter = dict(
            freqs=args.filter_freqs,  # cutoff frequencies (f_low, f_high)
            fs=1 / (dt / 1000),       # sampling frequency (Hz)
            axis=-1,                  # time axis
        xprint('kwargs_filter:', kwargs_filter, kind='debug', verbosity=args.verbose)

        xprint(f'Apply > {args.filter} < filter ({"/".join(filter_freqs_str)} Hz)', kind='info', verbosity=args.verbose)
        cube_proc[var] = xr.apply_ufunc(
            input_core_dims=core_dims,  # (['xline', dim], ),  # time axis has to be last
            output_core_dims=core_dims,  # (['xline', dim], ),

        # update metadata
        _filter_freq_str = '/'.join(str(f) for f in args.filter_freqs)
        attrs_var.update({'filter': args.filter,
                          'filter_freq_Hz': _filter_freq_str})
        _history += f' {args.filter} ({_filter_freq_str} Hz),'
        _text += f'{args.filter.upper()} ({_filter_freq_str} Hz).'

    # (4) RESAMPLING
    if any([a is not None for a in [
            args.resampling_interval, args.resampling_frequency, args.resampling_factor
        # setup resampling parameter
        if resampling_interval is not None:
            resampling_factor = resampling_interval / dt
        elif resampling_factor is not None:
            resampling_interval = resampling_factor * dt
        n_resamples = int(np.ceil(n_samples / resampling_factor))

        # setup resampling function
        if args.resampling_function == 'resample':
            resample_func = resample
            kwargs_resample = dict(num=n_resamples, t=None, window=args.window_resample, axis=-1)
        elif args.resampling_function == 'resample_poly':
            up = 1 / resampling_factor if resampling_factor < 1 else 1
            down = resampling_factor if resampling_factor > 1 else 1
            resample_func = resample_poly
            kwargs_resample = dict(up=up, down=down, window=args.window_resample, axis=-1)
        xprint('kwargs_resample:', kwargs_resample, kind='debug', verbosity=args.verbose)

        xprint(f'Resample > {dim} < from > {dt} < to > {resampling_interval} < ms', kind='info', verbosity=args.verbose)

        # init resampled cube
        cube_resampled = cube_proc.drop_vars(var)
        cube_resampled = cube_resampled.assign_coords(
            {dim: get_resampled_twt(cube_proc[dim].data, n_resamples, n_samples)}
        )  # assign resampled dimension
        cube_resampled[dim].attrs = cube_proc[dim].attrs  # copy metadata

        # resample traces
        cube_resampled[var] = xr.apply_ufunc(
            input_core_dims=core_dims,  # [['xline', dim], ],  # time axis has to be last
            output_core_dims=core_dims,  # [['xline', dim], ],
            exclude_dims=set((dim,)),            # allow dimension to change size
                'output_sizes': {dim: n_resamples, 'xline': cube_proc['xline'].size}
        cube_resampled[dim] = np.around(cube_resampled[dim].astype('float64'), 3)

        # update metadata
        cube_resampled[dim].attrs.update({'resampled': 'True',
                                          'dt_original': dt})
        _history += f' resampling (factor: {resampling_factor}),'
        _text += 'RESAMPLE.'

        # update output filename
        path_cube_proc = re.sub(
            r'\d{1,2}\+\d{0,3}(ms)',  # noqa
            ffloat(resampling_interval).replace('.', '+') + 'ms',

        cube_out = cube_resampled
        cube_out = cube_proc

    # (5) calculate trace envelope
    if args.envelope:
        xprint('Calculate trace envelope (instantaneous amplitude)', kind='info', verbosity=args.verbose)

        cube_out[var] = xr.apply_ufunc(
            input_core_dims=core_dims,  # [['xline', dim], ],
            output_core_dims=core_dims,  # [['xline', dim], ],
        cube_out = cube_out.rename_vars({var: var_new})  # update variable name in Dataset

        # update history
        _history += ' trace envelope,'
        _text += 'ENV.'

        # update output filename
        path_cube_proc = path_cube_proc.replace(var, var_new)

    # (6) add/update metadata
    xprint('Update netCDF metadata attributes', kind='info', verbosity=args.verbose)
        'history': cube_out.attrs["history"] + f'{_history[:-1]};',  # remove trailing comma
        'text': cube_out.attrs.get("text") + f'\n{_text[:-1]}',  # remove trailing period
    cube_out[var_new].attrs = attrs_var

    # (7) write balanced cube to disk
    xprint('Write output data to file', kind='info', verbosity=args.verbose)
    path_cube_proc = (args.path_out if args.path_out is not None else path_cube_proc)
    with dask.config.set(scheduler='threads'), show_progressbar(ProgressBar(), verbose=args.verbose):
        cube_out.transpose(dim, 'iline', 'xline').to_netcdf(

    if return_dataset:
        return cube_out.transpose(dim, 'iline', 'xline'), cube

Last update: Monday, 03 July 2023 at 09:46:51