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Despike SEG-Y file(s) using 2D moving window function.

Remove noise bursts (only single trace!) from seismic data based on the amplitude of the data within a time window. This amplitude is compared to the background amplitude which is computed from a user defined number of adjacent traces. If the amplitude in this window exceeds the threshold x the background amplitude then the samples within the selected window may be scaled, replaced by threshold x background amplitude or set to zero. Tapering is applied if scaling.

despike_2D(array, window, dt, overlap=10, ntraces=5, mode='mean', threshold=2, out='scaled', verbosity=0) #

Remove single-trace noise bursts from seismic data. The algorithm is based on the amplitude of the data within a time window. This amplitude is compared to the background amplitude which is computed from a user-defined number of adjacent traces. If the amplitude in this window exceeds the threshold x the background amplitude then the samples within the selected window may be scaled, replaced by threshold x background amplitude or set to zero. Tapering is applied to any replacement operation.


  • array (ndarray) –

    Seismic data (samples x traces).

  • window (int) –

    Time window (in ms).

  • dt (float) –

    Sampling interval in milliseconds [ms].

  • overlap (int, default: 10 ) –

    Window overlap in percentage (%).

  • ntraces (int, default: 5 ) –

    Number of adjacent traces (default: 5).

  • mode (str, default: 'mean' ) –

    Algorithm to compute amplitude in window [mean, rms, median] (default: mean).

  • threshold (float, default: 2 ) –

    Amplitude threshold for spike detection (default: 2).

  • out (str, default: 'scaled' ) –

    Amplitude values replacing spike values (default: scaled).

    • scaled: Scale signal down to background amplitude (based on mode). Tapering applied.
    • mode: Replace with background amplitude values
    • threshold: Replace with threshold * background amplitude values.
    • zeros: Replace with zero values.
    • median: Replace with median values (calculated from neighboring traces).


  • despiked ( ndarray ) –

    Despiked input data.

Source code in pseudo_3D_interpolation\
def despike_2D(
    array, window, dt, overlap=10, ntraces=5, mode='mean', threshold=2, out='scaled', verbosity=0
    Remove single-trace noise bursts from seismic data.
    The algorithm is based on the amplitude of the data within a time window.
    This amplitude is compared to the background amplitude which is computed from a user-defined number of adjacent traces.
    If the amplitude in this window exceeds the threshold x the background amplitude then the samples within
    the selected window may be scaled, replaced by threshold x background amplitude or set to zero.
    Tapering is applied to any replacement operation.

    array : np.ndarray
        Seismic data (samples x traces).
    window : int
        Time window (in ms).
    dt : float
        Sampling interval in milliseconds [ms].
    overlap : int, optional
        Window overlap in percentage (%).
    ntraces : int, optional
        Number of adjacent traces (default: `5`).
    mode : str, optional
        Algorithm to compute amplitude in window [mean, rms, median] (default: `mean`).
    threshold : float, optional
        Amplitude threshold for spike detection (default: `2`).
    out : str, optional
        Amplitude values replacing spike values (default: `scaled`).

        - `scaled`: Scale signal down to background amplitude (based on mode). Tapering applied.
        - `mode`: Replace with background amplitude values
        - `threshold`: Replace with threshold * background amplitude values.
        - `zeros`: Replace with zero values.
        - `median`: Replace with median values (calculated from neighboring traces).

    despiked : np.ndarray
        Despiked input data.

    functions = {'mean': np.mean, 'median': np.median, 'rms': rms}

    # checks
    if overlap < 0 or overlap > 100:
        raise ValueError('Overlap must be integer between 0 and 100 [%].')
    if threshold < 0:
        raise ValueError('Theshold must be positive.')
    if ntraces % 2 == 0:
        raise ValueError('Number of traces must be odd integer.')
    if mode not in ['mean', 'rms', 'median']:
        raise ValueError("Amplitude mode must be one of ['mean', 'rms', 'median'].")
        func = functions.get(mode)
    replace_amp_mode = ['scaled', 'mode', 'threshold', 'zeros', 'median']
    if out not in replace_amp_mode:
        raise ValueError(f"Output amplitude option must be one of {replace_amp_mode}.")

    # shape of moving window
    win = (int(window / dt), ntraces)
    xprint(f'win: {win}', kind='debug', verbosity=verbosity)

    # compute overlap in samples (from time [ms])
    overlap = np.around(overlap / 100 * win[0], 0)
    overlap = overlap if overlap >= 1 else 1
    # trace step size
    dx = 1
    # time step size
    dy = int(win[0] - overlap)
    xprint(f'dy (twt): {dy},  dx (traces): {dx}', kind='debug', verbosity=verbosity)

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    #                       initial selection
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    # get view of moving windows
    v = moving_window_2D(array, win, dx, dy)
    xprint('Creating moving window views', kind='debug', verbosity=verbosity)
    xprint('v.shape:  ', v.shape, kind='debug', verbosity=verbosity)
    xprint('v.strides:', v.strides, kind='debug', verbosity=verbosity)

    # one mode value per row (time sample) of search window (adjacent traces)
    v_mode = func(np.abs(v), axis=(-1))  # (-1): one value per row, (-2,-1): single mode
    xprint('v_mode.shape:  ', v_mode.shape, kind='debug', verbosity=verbosity)

    # 4D indices of samples representing potential spike
    v_idx = np.where(
        np.abs(v) > threshold * v_mode.reshape(v_mode.shape + (1,))
    )  # (1,): one value per row, (1,1): single mode

    # convert 4D view indices to 2D data array indices & filter for unique ones
    idx_uniq = np.unique(np.vstack((v_idx[0] * dy + v_idx[2], v_idx[1] * dx + v_idx[3])).T, axis=0)

    # filter indices based on total number of spike samples per trace
    # -> discard traces where total sample number <= 10% of input time window
    # (assumes reasonable user input for spike length)
    tr_idx_uniq, tr_idx_cnt = np.unique(
        idx_uniq[:, 1], return_counts=True
    )  # get trace indices & counts
    tr_idx_uniq_to_keep = np.where(tr_idx_cnt > win[0] * 0.1)  # create boolean filter
    tr_idx_to_keep = tr_idx_uniq[tr_idx_uniq_to_keep]  # trace indices to keep

    # select only valid data (number of samples > 10% of window length)
    if len(tr_idx_to_keep) > 0:
        idx_uniq = idx_uniq[np.isin(idx_uniq[:, 1], tr_idx_to_keep)]
    # create dummy array
        idx_uniq = np.empty((0, 2), dtype='int')
    xprint('idx_uniq.shape:  ', idx_uniq.shape, kind='debug', verbosity=verbosity)

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    #                       additional selection
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    # create additional stride views (if required)
    N = array.shape[0]  # number of rows in array (time domain)
    M = win[0]  # number of rows in moving window (time domain)
    # check if view left out some part of input array
    # i: start row index of moving window (based on dy)
    # (i - dy + M != N): check if previous view already covered rows until end of array, if not --> additional view needed!
    # (N - i < dy): check number of rows in last view are less than dy --> no view then!
    missing_views = [i for i in range(0, N, dy) if (N - i < dy)]  # (i - dy + M != N) and
    if any(missing_views):
        # compute start sample index for view ranging until last sample
        start = missing_views[0] - (M - (N - missing_views[0]))
        # get view of moving windows (previously missing data range)
        v_add = moving_window_2D(array[start:], win, dx, dy)
        xprint('v_add.shape:  ', v_add.shape, kind='debug', verbosity=verbosity)
        xprint('v_add.strides:', v_add.strides, kind='debug', verbosity=verbosity)

        # mode of additional views
        v_add_mode = func(np.abs(v_add), axis=(-1))  # (-1): one value per row, (-2,-1): single mode
        xprint('v_add_mode.strides:', v_add_mode.strides, kind='debug', verbosity=verbosity)

        # 4D indices of samples representing potential spike
        v_add_idx = np.where(
            np.abs(v_add) > threshold * v_add_mode.reshape(v_add_mode.shape + (1,))
        )  # (1,): one value per row, (1,1): single mode

        # convert 4D view indices to 2D data array indices (using `start` variable) & filter for unique ones
        idx_add_uniq = np.unique(
                (start + v_add_idx[0] * dy + v_add_idx[2], v_add_idx[1] * dx + v_add_idx[3])

        # filter indices based on total number of spike samples per trace
        # -> discard traces where total sample number <= 10% of input time window
        # (assumes reasonable user input for spike length)
        tr_idx_add_uniq, tr_idx_add_cnt = np.unique(idx_add_uniq[:, 1], return_counts=True)
        tr_idx_add_uniq_to_keep = np.where(tr_idx_add_cnt > win[0] * 0.1)
        tr_idx_add_to_keep = tr_idx_add_uniq[tr_idx_add_uniq_to_keep]

        # select only valid data (number of samples > 10% of window length)
        if len(tr_idx_add_to_keep) > 0:
            idx_add_uniq = idx_add_uniq[np.isin(idx_add_uniq[:, 1], tr_idx_add_to_keep)]
        # create dummy array
            idx_add_uniq = np.empty((0, 2), dtype='int')
        idx_add_uniq = np.empty((0, 2), dtype='int')
    xprint('idx_add_uniq.shape:', idx_add_uniq.shape, kind='debug', verbosity=verbosity)

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    #                   combine spike sample indices
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    # merge indices from both selection processes & select unique ones
    idx_merge = np.unique(np.concatenate((idx_uniq, idx_add_uniq), axis=0), axis=0)
    xprint('idx_merge.shape:', idx_merge.shape, kind='debug', verbosity=verbosity)

    if idx_merge.size == 0:
            f'No spikes detected ({array.shape[1]} traces). Consider adjusting the input parameters.',
        return array

    # sort indices based on (1) trace index and (2) sample index
    sorter = np.lexsort((idx_merge[:, 0], idx_merge[:, 1]))
    idx_merge_sorted = idx_merge[sorter]
    xprint('idx_merge_sorted.shape:', idx_merge_sorted.shape, kind='debug', verbosity=verbosity)

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    #                   filter & discard false detections
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    # split index array by trace index
    spike_index_arrays = []
    spikes_per_trace = np.split(idx_merge_sorted, np.where(np.diff(idx_merge_sorted[:, 1]))[0] + 1)
    # loop over every spike array
    for spike in spikes_per_trace:
        # filter indices if difference to following index > 5% of window length (in samples)
        sample_indices_change_idx = np.where(np.diff(spike[:, 0]) > win[0] * 0.05)[0] + 1
        # split spike indices array by indices of large changes & keep spike only if spike length > 5% of window length (in samples)
        rewrapper_despiking_2D_segying_spikes = [
            for a in np.split(spike, sample_indices_change_idx, axis=0)
            if a.shape[0] > win[0] * 0.05
        # append spike index array to list of all spikes in data array

    # stack rewrapper_despiking_2D_segying spike index arrays after filtering
        idx_merge_sorted = np.concatenate(spike_index_arrays, axis=0)
            'idx_merge_sorted.shape (filtered):',

    except ValueError:
            f'No spikes detected ({array.shape[1]} traces). Consider adjusting the input parameters.',
        return array
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    #                   replace spike amplitudes
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    # make copy of input data
    array_out = array  # .copy()

    # init list for indices plotting
    spike_time_ranges_indices = []

    # loop over each spike index array
    for idx_arr in spike_index_arrays:
        # get index of trace
        idx_trace = idx_arr[0, 1]
        xprint('idx_trace.shape:', int(idx_trace), kind='debug', verbosity=verbosity)

        # extract shape of spike index array
        N_spike, M_spike = idx_arr.shape
        xprint('idx_arr.shape:', idx_arr.shape, kind='debug', verbosity=verbosity)

        # get data subset
        ## pad minimum and maximum sample index with 10% of spike sample range (for tapering)
        ### minimum
        idx_sample_min = idx_arr[0, 0] - int(N_spike * 0.1)
        idx_sample_min = idx_sample_min if idx_sample_min >= 0 else 0
        spike_time_ranges_indices.append((idx_sample_min, idx_trace))
        ## maximum
        idx_sample_max = idx_arr[-1, 0] + int(N_spike * 0.1) + 1
        idx_sample_max = idx_sample_max if idx_sample_max <= N else N
        spike_time_ranges_indices.append((idx_sample_max, idx_trace))
        ## account for traces at data limits
        ### get trace window half-width
        tr_win_idx = win[1] // 2
        xprint(f'tr_win_idx: {tr_win_idx}', kind='debug', verbosity=verbosity)

        idx_trace_min = idx_trace - tr_win_idx
        idx_trace_max = idx_trace + tr_win_idx + 1
            f'idx_trace_min: {int(idx_trace_min)}, idx_trace_max: {int(idx_trace_max)}',

        # account for boundaries of seismic section
        if idx_trace_min < 0:
            idx_trace_min = 0  # no negative indexing possible
        xprint(f'tr_win_idx (new): {tr_win_idx}', kind='debug', verbosity=verbosity)
        ## select subset of input data based on calculated ranges
        # spike_win = array_out[idx_sample_min:idx_sample_max, idx_trace_min:idx_trace_max]
        spike_win = array_out[
            int(idx_sample_min) : int(idx_sample_max), int(idx_trace_min) : int(idx_trace_max)
            'idx_sample_min, idx_sample_max, tr_win_idx:',
        xprint('spike_win:', spike_win.shape, kind='debug', verbosity=verbosity)

        # calc output amplitudes (using user-specified mode)
        spike_amps = spike_win[:, tr_win_idx]  # amplitudes of fishy trace

        if out == 'scaled':
            neighbor_amps = func(
                np.abs(spike_win), axis=1
            )  # * threshold # adjusted mode amplitude (x threshold)
            spike_win_amps_out = spike_amps / (spike_amps.max() / neighbor_amps)

            # creating taper window
            w = np.blackman(len(spike_win_amps_out))
            # tapering resulting amplitudes
            spike_win_amps_out = spike_win_amps_out * w

        elif out == 'mode':
            neighbor_amps = func(spike_win, axis=1)
            spike_win_amps_out = neighbor_amps

        elif out == 'threshold':
            neighbor_amps = func(spike_win, axis=1)
            spike_win_amps_out = neighbor_amps * threshold

        elif out == 'zeros':
            spike_win_amps_out = np.zeros_like(spike_amps)

        elif out == 'median':
            neighbor_amps = np.median(spike_win, axis=1)
            spike_win_amps_out = neighbor_amps

        # replace spike amplitudes in window with scaled ones
        spike_win[:, tr_win_idx] = spike_win_amps_out.astype(spike_win.dtype)

    return array_out

wrapper_despiking_2D_segy(in_path, args) #

Despike input SEG-Y file(s).

Source code in pseudo_3D_interpolation\
def wrapper_despiking_2D_segy(in_path, args):
    """Despike input SEG-Y file(s)."""
    basepath, filename = os.path.split(in_path)
    basename, suffix = os.path.splitext(filename)
    xprint(f'Processing file < {filename} >', kind='info', verbosity=args.verbose)

    default_txt_suffix = 'despk'

    if args.inplace is True:  # `inplace` parameter supersedes any `output_dir`
        xprint('Updating SEG-Y inplace', kind='warning', verbosity=args.verbose)
        path = in_path
        if args.output_dir is None:  # default behavior
            xprint('Creating copy of file in INPUT directory:\n', basepath, kind='info', verbosity=args.verbose)
            out_dir = basepath
        elif args.output_dir is not None and os.path.isdir(args.output_dir):
            xprint('Creating copy of file in OUTPUT directory:\n', args.output_dir, kind='info', verbosity=args.verbose)
            out_dir = args.output_dir
            raise FileNotFoundError(f'The output directory > {args.output_dir} < does not exist')

        if args.txt_suffix is not None:
            out_name = f'{basename}_{args.txt_suffix}'
            out_name = f'{basename}_{default_txt_suffix}'
        out_path = os.path.join(out_dir, f'{out_name}{suffix}')

        # sanity check
        if os.path.isfile(out_path):
            xprint('Output file already exists and will be removed!', kind='warning', verbosity=args.verbose)

        copy2(in_path, out_path)
        path = out_path

    with, 'r+', strict=False, ignore_geometry=True) as src:
        # read common metadata
        dt = / 1000  # sample rate [ms]
        twt = src.samples  # two way travel time (TWTT) [ms]

        # field record number
        fldr = src.attributes(segyio.TraceField.FieldRecord)[:]

        # get DelayRecordingTimes from trace headers
        delrt = src.attributes(args.byte_delay)[:]  # segyio.TraceField.DelayRecordingTime

        # find indices where DelayRecordingTime changes
        delrt_idx = np.where(np.roll(delrt, 1) != delrt)[0]
        if delrt_idx.size != 0 and delrt_idx[0] == 0:
            delrt_idx = delrt_idx[1:]

        global data_src, data
        # get seismic data [amplitude]; transpose to fit numpy data structure
        data_src = src.trace.raw[:].T  # eager version (completely read into memory)
        if data_src.shape[-1] < args.window_traces:
            # input SEG-Y file is too small for despiking
            return path, None, None, dt, twt, fldr, delrt
            data = data_src.copy()

        # split seismic section according to DelayRecordingTime
        if args.use_delay and len(delrt_idx) >= 1:
            xprint('Splitting seismic section using `delrt`', kind='info', verbosity=args.verbose)

            # split seismic section based on delrt
            data_splits = np.array_split(data, delrt_idx, axis=1)

            data_despiked_list = []
            # despike individual despke splits
            for d in data_splits:
                d_despiked = despike_2D(
            # merge despiked splits into single array
            data_despiked = np.concatenate(data_despiked_list, axis=1, dtype=data.dtype)

            # remove spikes in seismic section
            data_despiked = despike_2D(

        # sanity check
        msg = 'Input and output data must be of same shape'
        assert data.shape == data_despiked.shape, msg

        # set output amplitudes (transpose to fit SEG-Y format)
        src.trace = np.ascontiguousarray(data_despiked.T, dtype=data.dtype)

    # update textual header
    text = get_textual_header(path)
    text_updated = add_processing_info_header(text, 'DESPIKE', prefix='_TODAY_', newline=True)
    write_textual_header(path, text_updated)

    return path, data_src, data_despiked

Last update: Monday, 03 July 2023 at 09:46:51