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Functions used for POCS interpolation script.

get_number_scales(x) #

Compute number of shearlet scales based on input array shape.

Source code in pseudo_3D_interpolation\functions\
def get_number_scales(x):
    Compute number of shearlet scales based on input array shape.

    [^1]: [](

    scales = int(np.floor(0.5 * np.log2(np.max(x.shape))))
    return scales if scales >= 1 else 1

threshold(data, thresh, sub=0, kind='soft') #

Apply user-defined threshold to input data (2D).


  • data (ndarray) –

    Input data.

  • thresh ((float, complex)) –

    Threshold cut-off value.

  • sub ((int, float), default: 0 ) –

    Substitution value (default: 0).

  • kind (str, default: 'soft' ) –

    Threshold method:

    • soft (default)
    • garrote
    • hard
    • soft-percentile
    • garrote-percentile
    • hard-percentile


  • ndarray

    Updated input array using specified thresholding function.

Source code in pseudo_3D_interpolation\functions\
def threshold(data, thresh, sub=0, kind='soft'):
    Apply user-defined threshold to input data (2D).

    data : np.ndarray
        Input data.
    thresh : float, complex
        Threshold cut-off value.
    sub : int, float, optional
        Substitution value (default: `0`).
    kind : str, optional
        Threshold method:

          - `soft` (**default**)
          - `garrote`
          - `hard`
          - `soft-percentile`
          - `garrote-percentile`
          - `hard-percentile`

        Updated input array using specified thresholding function.

    data = np.asarray(data)

    if kind == 'soft':
        return _soft_threshold(data, thresh, sub)
    elif kind == 'hard':
        return _hard_threshold(data, thresh, sub)
    elif kind == 'soft-percentile':
        return _soft_threshold_perc(data, thresh, sub)
    elif kind == 'hard-percentile':
        return _hard_threshold_perc(data, thresh, sub)
    elif kind in ['garotte', 'garrote']:
        return _nn_garrote(data, thresh, sub)
    elif kind in ['garotte-percentile', 'garrote-percentile']:
        return _nn_garrote_perc(data, thresh, sub)

threshold_wavelet(data, thresh, sub=0, kind='soft') #

Apply user-defined threshold to input data (2D). Compatible with output from pywavelet.wavedec2 (multilevel Discrete Wavelet Transform).


  • data (ndarray) –

    Input data.

  • thresh ((float, complex)) –

    Threshold cut-off value.

  • sub ((int, float), default: 0 ) –

    Substitution value (default: 0).

  • kind (str, default: 'soft' ) –

    Threshold method:

    • soft (default)
    • garrote
    • hard
    • soft-percentile
    • garrote-percentile
    • hard-percentile


  • ndarray

    Updated input array using specified thresholding function.

Source code in pseudo_3D_interpolation\functions\
def threshold_wavelet(data, thresh, sub=0, kind='soft'):
    Apply user-defined threshold to input data (2D).
    Compatible with output from `pywavelet.wavedec2` (multilevel Discrete Wavelet Transform).

    data : np.ndarray
        Input data.
    thresh : float, complex
        Threshold cut-off value.
    sub : int, float, optional
        Substitution value (default: `0`).
    kind : str, optional
        Threshold method:

          - `soft` (**default**)
          - `garrote`
          - `hard`
          - `soft-percentile`
          - `garrote-percentile`
          - `hard-percentile`

        Updated input array using specified thresholding function.

    thresh = [list(d) for d in list(thresh)]
    dlen = len(data[-1])

    if kind == 'soft':
        return [
            [_soft_threshold(data[lvl][d], thresh[lvl][d], sub) for d in range(dlen)]
            for lvl in range(len(data))
    elif kind == 'hard':
        return [
            [_hard_threshold(data[lvl][d], thresh[lvl][d], sub) for d in range(dlen)]
            for lvl in range(len(data))
    elif kind == 'soft-percentile':
        return [
            [_soft_threshold_perc(data[lvl][d], thresh[lvl][d], sub) for d in range(dlen)]
            for lvl in range(len(data))
    elif kind == 'hard-percentile':
        return [
            [_hard_threshold_perc(data[lvl][d], thresh[lvl][d], sub) for d in range(dlen)]
            for lvl in range(len(data))
    elif kind in ['garotte', 'garrote']:
        return [
            [_nn_garrote(data[lvl][d], thresh[lvl][d], sub) for d in range(dlen)]
            for lvl in range(len(data))
    elif kind in ['garotte-percentile', 'garrote-percentile']:
        return [
            [_nn_garrote_perc(data[lvl][d], thresh[lvl][d], sub) for d in range(dlen)]
            for lvl in range(len(data))

get_threshold_decay(thresh_model, niter, transform_kind=None, p_max=0.99, p_min=0.001, x_fwd=None, kind='values') #

Calculate iteration-based decay for thresholding function. Can be one of the following:

  • values (based on max value in data)
  • factors (for usage as multiplier).


  • thresh_model (str) –

    Thresholding decay function.

    - `linear`                  Gao et al. (2010)
    - `exponential`             Yang et al. (2012), Zhang et al. (2015), Zhao et al. (2021)
    - `data-driven`             Gao et al. (2013)
    - `inverse_proportional`    Ge et al. (2015)
  • niter (int) –

    Maximum number of iterations.

  • transform_kind (str, default: None ) –

    Name of the specified transform (e.g. FFT, WAVELET, SHEARLET, CURVELET).

  • p_max (float, default: 0.99 ) –

    Maximum regularization percentage (float).

  • p_min ((float, str), default: 0.001 ) –

    Minimum regularization percentage (float) or 'adaptive': adaptive calculation of minimum threshold according to sparse coefficient.

  • x_fwd (ndarray, default: None ) –

    Forward transformed input data (required for thresh_model=data-driven and kind=values).

  • kind (str, default: 'values' ) –

    Return either data values or multiplication factors.


  • tau ( ndarray ) –

    Array of decay values or factors (based on "kind" paramter).


  1. Gao, J.-J., Chen, X.-H., Li, J.-Y., Liu, G.-C., & Ma, J. (2010). Irregular seismic data reconstruction based on exponential threshold model of POCS method. Applied Geophysics, 7(3), 229–238. 

  2. Yang, P., Gao, J., & Chen, W. (2012). Curvelet-based POCS interpolation of nonuniformly sampled seismic records. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 79, 90–99. 

  3. Zhang, H., Chen, X., & Li, H. (2015). 3D seismic data reconstruction based on complex-valued curvelet transform in frequency domain. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 113, 64–73. 

  4. Zhao, H., Yang, T., Ni, Y.-D., Liu, X.-G., Xu, Y.-P., Zhang, Y.-L., & Zhang, G.-R. (2021). Reconstruction method of irregular seismic data with adaptive thresholds based on different sparse transform bases. Applied Geophysics, 18(3), 345–360. 

  5. Gao, J., Stanton, A., Naghizadeh, M., Sacchi, M. D., & Chen, X. (2013). Convergence improvement and noise attenuation considerations for beyond alias projection onto convex sets reconstruction. Geophysical Prospecting, 61, 138–151. 

  6. Ge, Z.-J., Li, J.-Y., Pan, S.-L., & Chen, X.-H. (2015). A fast-convergence POCS seismic denoising and reconstruction method. Applied Geophysics, 12(2), 169–178. 

Source code in pseudo_3D_interpolation\functions\
def get_threshold_decay(
    niter: int,
    transform_kind: str = None,
    p_max: float = 0.99,
    p_min: float = 1e-3,
    kind: str = 'values',
    Calculate iteration-based decay for thresholding function.
    Can be one of the following:

      - `values` (based on max value in data)
      - `factors` (for usage as multiplier).

    thresh_model : str
        Thresholding decay function.

            - `linear`                  Gao et al. (2010)
            - `exponential`             Yang et al. (2012), Zhang et al. (2015), Zhao et al. (2021)
            - `data-driven`             Gao et al. (2013)
            - `inverse_proportional`    Ge et al. (2015)
    niter : int
        Maximum number of iterations.
    transform_kind : str
        Name of the specified transform (e.g. FFT, WAVELET, SHEARLET, CURVELET).
    p_max : float, optional
        Maximum regularization percentage (float).
    p_min : float, str, optional
        Minimum regularization percentage (float) or
        'adaptive': adaptive calculation of minimum threshold according to sparse coefficient.
    x_fwd : np.ndarray, optional
        Forward transformed input data (required for thresh_model=`data-driven` and kind=`values`).
    kind : str, optional
        Return either data `values` or multiplication `factors`.

    tau : np.ndarray
        Array of decay values or factors (based on "kind" paramter).

    [^1]: Gao, J.-J., Chen, X.-H., Li, J.-Y., Liu, G.-C., & Ma, J. (2010).
        Irregular seismic data reconstruction based on exponential threshold model of POCS method.
        Applied Geophysics, 7(3), 229–238. [](
    [^2]: Yang, P., Gao, J., & Chen, W. (2012).
        Curvelet-based POCS interpolation of nonuniformly sampled seismic records.
        Journal of Applied Geophysics, 79, 90–99. [](
    [^3]: Zhang, H., Chen, X., & Li, H. (2015).
        3D seismic data reconstruction based on complex-valued curvelet transform in frequency domain.
        Journal of Applied Geophysics, 113, 64–73. [](
    [^4]: Zhao, H., Yang, T., Ni, Y.-D., Liu, X.-G., Xu, Y.-P., Zhang, Y.-L., & Zhang, G.-R. (2021).
        Reconstruction method of irregular seismic data with adaptive thresholds based on different sparse transform bases.
        Applied Geophysics, 18(3), 345–360. [](
    [^5]: Gao, J., Stanton, A., Naghizadeh, M., Sacchi, M. D., & Chen, X. (2013).
        Convergence improvement and noise attenuation considerations for beyond alias projection onto convex sets reconstruction.
        Geophysical Prospecting, 61, 138–151. [](
    [^6]: Ge, Z.-J., Li, J.-Y., Pan, S.-L., & Chen, X.-H. (2015).
        A fast-convergence POCS seismic denoising and reconstruction method.
        Applied Geophysics, 12(2), 169–178. [](

    if transform_kind is None:
    elif transform_kind.upper() not in TRANSFORMS and (
        kind == 'values' or thresh_model == 'data-driven'
        raise ValueError(f'Unsupported transform. Please select one of: {TRANSFORMS}')
    elif transform_kind is not None:
        transform_kind = transform_kind.upper()

    if x_fwd is None and (kind == 'values' or thresh_model == 'data-driven'):
        raise ValueError(
            '`x_fwd` must be specified for thresh_model="data-driven" or kind="values"!'

    # (A) inversely proportional threshold model (Ge et al., 2015)
    if all([s in thresh_model for s in ['inverse', 'proportional']]):
        if transform_kind == 'WAVELET':
            x_fwd_max = np.asarray([[np.abs(d).max() for d in level] for level in x_fwd])
            x_fwd_min = np.asarray([[np.abs(d).min() for d in level] for level in x_fwd])
            _iiter = np.arange(1, niter + 1)[:, None, None]
        elif transform_kind == 'SHEARLET':
            x_fwd_max = np.max(np.abs(x_fwd), axis=(0, 1))
            x_fwd_min = np.min(np.abs(x_fwd), axis=(0, 1))
            _iiter = np.arange(1, niter + 1)[:, None]
        elif transform_kind in ['FFT', 'CURVELET', 'DCT']:
            x_fwd_max = np.abs(x_fwd).max()
            x_fwd_min = np.abs(x_fwd).min()
            _iiter = np.arange(1, niter + 1)

        # arbitrary variable to adjust descent rate (most cases: 1 <= q <=3)
        q = thresh_model.split('-')[-1] if '-' in thresh_model else 1.0
            q = float(q)
        except:  # noqa
            q = 1.0

        a = (niter**q * (x_fwd_max - x_fwd_min)) / (niter**q - 1)
        b = (niter**q * x_fwd_min - x_fwd_max) / (niter**q - 1)
        return a / (_iiter**q) + b

    # (B) "classic" thresholding models
    if kind == 'values':
        # max (absolute) value in forward transformed data
        if transform_kind == 'WAVELET':
            # x_fwd_max = np.asarray([[np.abs(d).max() for d in level] for level in x_fwd])
            x_fwd_max = np.asarray([[d.max() for d in level] for level in x_fwd])
        elif transform_kind == 'SHEARLET':
            axis = (0, 1)
            # x_fwd_max = np.max(np.abs(x_fwd), axis=axis)
            x_fwd_max = np.max(x_fwd, axis=axis)
        elif transform_kind in ['FFT', 'CURVELET', 'DCT']:
            axis = None
            x_fwd_max = x_fwd.max()
            raise ValueError(
                '`transform_kind` must be specified for thresh_model="data-driven" or kind="values"!'

        # min/max regularization factors
        #   adaptive calculation of minimum threshold (Zhao et al., 2021)
        if isinstance(p_min, str) and p_min == 'adaptive':
            # single-scale transform
            if transform_kind in ['FFT', 'DCT']:
                tau_min = 0.01 * np.sqrt(np.linalg.norm(x_fwd, axis=axis) ** 2 / x_fwd.size)

            # mulit-scale transform
            elif transform_kind in ['SHEARLET']:
                # calculate regularization factor `tau_min` for each scale
                nscales = get_number_scales(x_fwd)
                j = np.hstack(
                        np.array([0]),  # low-pass solution
                            np.arange(1, nscales + 1), [2 ** (j + 2) for j in range(nscales)]
                tau_min = (
                    / 3
                    * np.median(  # noqa
                        np.log10(j + 1)
                        * np.sqrt(np.linalg.norm(x_fwd, axis=axis) ** 2 / x_fwd.size)
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    f'p_min=`adaptive` is not implemented for {transform_kind} transform'
            tau_min = p_min * x_fwd_max
        tau_max = p_max * x_fwd_max

    elif kind == 'factors':
        tau_max = p_max
        tau_min = p_min
        raise ValueError('Parameter `kind` only supports arguments "values" or "factors"')

    # --- iteration-based threshold factor ---
    _iiter = np.arange(1, niter + 1)

    if transform_kind == 'WAVELET':
        imultiplier = ((_iiter - 1) / (niter - 1))[:, None, None]
    elif transform_kind == 'SHEARLET':
        imultiplier = ((_iiter - 1) / (niter - 1))[:, None]
    elif transform_kind in ['FFT', 'CURVELET', 'DCT']:
        imultiplier = (_iiter - 1) / (niter - 1)
    elif transform_kind is None:
        imultiplier = (_iiter - 1) / (niter - 1)

    # --- thresholding operator ---
    if thresh_model == 'linear':
        tau = tau_max - (tau_max - tau_min) * imultiplier

    elif 'exponential' in thresh_model:
        q = float(thresh_model.split('-')[-1]) if '-' in thresh_model else 1.0  # Zhao et al. (2021)
        c = np.log(tau_min / tau_max)
        tau = tau_max * np.exp(c * imultiplier**q)

    elif thresh_model == 'data-driven' and transform_kind in ['FFT', 'DCT', 'CURVELET']:
        tau = np.zeros((_iiter.size,), dtype=x_fwd.dtype)
        idx = (x_fwd > tau_min) & (x_fwd < tau_max)
        v = np.sort(x_fwd[idx])[::-1]
        Nv = v.size
        tau[0] = v[0]
        tau[1:] = v[np.ceil((_iiter[1:] - 1) * (Nv - 1) / (niter - 1)).astype('int')]
        raise NotImplementedError(
            f'{thresh_model} is not implemented for {transform_kind} transform!'

    return tau

POCS_algorithm(x, mask, auxiliary_data=None, transform=None, itransform=None, transform_kind=None, niter=50, thresh_op='hard', thresh_model='exponential', eps=1e-09, alpha=1.0, p_max=0.99, p_min=1e-05, sqrt_decay=False, decay_kind='values', verbose=False, version='regular', results_dict=None, path_results=None) #

Interpolate sparse input grid using Point Onto Convex Sets (POCS) algorithm. Applying a user-specified transform method:

  • FFT
  • Wavelet
  • Shearlet
  • Curvelet


  • x (ndarray) –

    Sparse input data (2D).

  • mask (ndarray) –

    Boolean mask of input data (1: data cell, 0: nodata cell).

  • auxiliary_data

    Auxiliary data only required by shearlet transform.

  • transform (callable, default: None ) –

    Forward transform to apply.

  • itransform (callable, default: None ) –

    Inverse transform to apply.

  • transform_kind (str, default: None ) –

    Name of the specified transform.

  • niter (int, default: 50 ) –

    Maximum number of iterations (default: 50).

  • thresh_op (str, default: 'hard' ) –

    Threshold operator (default: soft).

  • thresh_model (str, default: 'exponential' ) –

    Thresholding decay function.

    - `linear`                   Gao et al. (2010)
    - `exponential`              Yang et al. (2012), Zhang et al. (2015), Zhao et al. (2021)
    - `data-driven`              Gao et al. (2013)
    - `inverse_proportional`     Ge et al. (2015)
  • eps (float, default: 1e-09 ) –

    Covergence threshold (default: 1e-9).

  • alpha (float, default: 1.0 ) –

    Weighting factor to scale re-insertion of input data (default: 1.0).

  • sqrt_decay (bool, default: False ) –

    Use squared decay values for thresholding (default: False).

  • decay_kind (str, default: 'values' ) –

    Return either data "values" or multiplication "factors".

  • verbose (bool, default: False ) –

    Print information about iteration steps (default: False).

  • version (str, default: 'regular' ) –

    Version of POCS algorithm. One of the following:

    - `regular`     Abma and Kabir (2006), Yang et al. (2012)
    - `fast`        Yang et al. (2013), Gan et al (2015)
    - `adaptive`    Wang et al. (2015, 2016)
  • results_dict (dict, default: None ) –

    If provided: return dict with total iterations, runtime (in seconds) and cost function.


  • x_inv ( ndarray ) –

    Reconstructed (i.e. interpolated) input data.


  1. Gao, J.-J., Chen, X.-H., Li, J.-Y., Liu, G.-C., & Ma, J. (2010). Irregular seismic data reconstruction based on exponential threshold model of POCS method. Applied Geophysics, 7(3), 229–238. 

  2. Yang, P., Gao, J., & Chen, W. (2012). Curvelet-based POCS interpolation of nonuniformly sampled seismic records. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 79, 90–99. 

  3. Zhang, H., Chen, X., & Li, H. (2015). 3D seismic data reconstruction based on complex-valued curvelet transform in frequency domain. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 113, 64–73. 

  4. Zhao, H., Yang, T., Ni, Y.-D., Liu, X.-G., Xu, Y.-P., Zhang, Y.-L., & Zhang, G.-R. (2021). Reconstruction method of irregular seismic data with adaptive thresholds based on different sparse transform bases. Applied Geophysics, 18(3), 345–360. 

  5. Gao, J., Stanton, A., Naghizadeh, M., Sacchi, M. D., & Chen, X. (2013). Convergence improvement and noise attenuation considerations for beyond alias projection onto convex sets reconstruction. Geophysical Prospecting, 61, 138–151. 

  6. Ge, Z.-J., Li, J.-Y., Pan, S.-L., & Chen, X.-H. (2015). A fast-convergence POCS seismic denoising and reconstruction method. Applied Geophysics, 12(2), 169–178. 

  7. Abma, R., & Kabir, N. (2006). 3D interpolation of irregular data with a POCS algorithm. Geophysics, 71(6), E91–E97. 

  8. Yang, P., Gao, J., & Chen, W. (2013) On analysis-based two-step interpolation methods for randomly sampled seismic data. Computers & Geosciences, 51, 449–461. 

  9. Gan, S., Wang, S., Chen, Y., Zhang, Y., & Jin, Z. (2015). Dealiased Seismic Data Interpolation Using Seislet Transform With Low-Frequency Constraint. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 12(10), 2150–2154. 

  10. Wang, B., Wu, R.-S., Chen, X., & Li, J. (2015). Simultaneous seismic data interpolation and denoising with a new adaptive method based on dreamlet transform. Geophysical Journal International, 201(2), 1182–1194. 

  11. Wang, B., Chen, X., Li, J., & Cao, J. (2016). An Improved Weighted Projection Onto Convex Sets Method for Seismic Data Interpolation and Denoising. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 9(1), 228–235. 

Source code in pseudo_3D_interpolation\functions\
def POCS_algorithm(
    transform_kind: str = None,
    niter: int = 50,
    thresh_op: str = 'hard',
    thresh_model: str = 'exponential',
    eps: float = 1e-9,
    alpha: int = 1.0,
    p_max: float = 0.99,
    p_min: float = 1e-5,
    sqrt_decay: str = False,
    decay_kind: str = 'values',
    verbose: bool = False,
    version: str = 'regular',
    results_dict: dict = None,
    path_results: str = None,
    Interpolate sparse input grid using Point Onto Convex Sets (POCS) algorithm.
    Applying a user-specified **transform** method:

      - `FFT`
      - `Wavelet`
      - `Shearlet`
      - `Curvelet`

    x : np.ndarray
        Sparse input data (2D).
    mask : np.ndarray
        Boolean mask of input data (`1`: data cell, `0`: nodata cell).
    auxiliary_data: np.ndarray
        Auxiliary data only required by `shearlet` transform.
    transform : callable
        Forward transform to apply.
    itransform : callable
        Inverse transform to apply.
    transform_kind : str
        Name of the specified transform.
    niter : int, optional
        Maximum number of iterations (default: `50`).
    thresh_op : str, optional
        Threshold operator (default: `soft`).
    thresh_model : str, optional
        Thresholding decay function.

            - `linear`                   Gao et al. (2010)
            - `exponential`              Yang et al. (2012), Zhang et al. (2015), Zhao et al. (2021)
            - `data-driven`              Gao et al. (2013)
            - `inverse_proportional`     Ge et al. (2015)
    eps : float, optional
        Covergence threshold (default: `1e-9`).
    alpha : float, optional
        Weighting factor to scale re-insertion of input data (default: `1.0`).
    sqrt_decay : bool, optional
        Use squared decay values for thresholding (default: `False`).
    decay_kind : str, optional
        Return either data "values" or multiplication "factors".
    verbose : bool, optional
        Print information about iteration steps (default: `False`).
    version : str, optional
        Version of POCS algorithm. One of the following:

            - `regular`     Abma and Kabir (2006), Yang et al. (2012)
            - `fast`        Yang et al. (2013), Gan et al (2015)
            - `adaptive`    Wang et al. (2015, 2016)
    results_dict : dict, optional
        If provided: return dict with total iterations, runtime (in seconds) and cost function.

    x_inv : np.ndarray
        Reconstructed (i.e. interpolated) input data.

    [^1]: Gao, J.-J., Chen, X.-H., Li, J.-Y., Liu, G.-C., & Ma, J. (2010).
        Irregular seismic data reconstruction based on exponential threshold model of POCS method.
        Applied Geophysics, 7(3), 229–238. [](
    [^2]: Yang, P., Gao, J., & Chen, W. (2012).
        Curvelet-based POCS interpolation of nonuniformly sampled seismic records.
        Journal of Applied Geophysics, 79, 90–99. [](
    [^3]: Zhang, H., Chen, X., & Li, H. (2015).
        3D seismic data reconstruction based on complex-valued curvelet transform in frequency domain.
        Journal of Applied Geophysics, 113, 64–73. [](
    [^4]: Zhao, H., Yang, T., Ni, Y.-D., Liu, X.-G., Xu, Y.-P., Zhang, Y.-L., & Zhang, G.-R. (2021).
        Reconstruction method of irregular seismic data with adaptive thresholds based on different sparse transform bases.
        Applied Geophysics, 18(3), 345–360. [](
    [^5]: Gao, J., Stanton, A., Naghizadeh, M., Sacchi, M. D., & Chen, X. (2013).
        Convergence improvement and noise attenuation considerations for beyond alias projection onto convex sets reconstruction.
        Geophysical Prospecting, 61, 138–151. [](
    [^6]: Ge, Z.-J., Li, J.-Y., Pan, S.-L., & Chen, X.-H. (2015).
        A fast-convergence POCS seismic denoising and reconstruction method.
        Applied Geophysics, 12(2), 169–178. [](
    [^7]: Abma, R., & Kabir, N. (2006). 3D interpolation of irregular data with a POCS algorithm.
        Geophysics, 71(6), E91–E97. [](
    [^8]: Yang, P., Gao, J., & Chen, W. (2013)
        On analysis-based two-step interpolation methods for randomly sampled seismic data.
        Computers & Geosciences, 51, 449–461. [](
    [^9]: Gan, S., Wang, S., Chen, Y., Zhang, Y., & Jin, Z. (2015).
        Dealiased Seismic Data Interpolation Using Seislet Transform With Low-Frequency Constraint.
        IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 12(10), 2150–2154. [](
    [^10]:  Wang, B., Wu, R.-S., Chen, X., & Li, J. (2015).
        Simultaneous seismic data interpolation and denoising with a new adaptive method based on dreamlet transform.
        Geophysical Journal International, 201(2), 1182–1194. [](
    [^11]: Wang, B., Chen, X., Li, J., & Cao, J. (2016).
        An Improved Weighted Projection Onto Convex Sets Method for Seismic Data Interpolation and Denoising.
        IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 9(1), 228–235.

    # sanity checks
    if np.max(mask) > 1:
        raise ValueError(f'mask should be quasi-boolean (0 or 1) but has maximum of {np.max(mask)}')

    if any(v is None for v in [transform, itransform]):
        raise ValueError('Forward and inverse transform function have to be supplied')

    if transform_kind.upper() not in TRANSFORMS:
        raise ValueError(f'Unsupported transform. Please select one of: {TRANSFORMS}')
        transform_kind = transform_kind.upper()

    if transform_kind == 'SHEARLET' and auxiliary_data is None:
        raise ValueError(
            f'{transform_kind} requires pre-computed shearlets in Fourier domain (Psi)'

    niter = int(niter)
    eps = float(eps)
    p_max = float(p_max)
    alpha = float(alpha)

    # get input paramter
    is_complex_input = np.iscomplexobj(x)
    shape = x.shape
    original_shape = tuple(slice(s) for s in shape)

    if np.count_nonzero(x) == 0:
        niterations = 0
        runtime = 0
        cost = 0
        costs = [0]

        x_inv = x
        # initial forward transform
        if transform_kind == 'WAVELET':  # and isinstance(x_fwd, list):
            x_fwd = transform(x)[1:]  # exclude low-pass filter
        elif transform_kind == 'SHEARLET':  # and isinstance(x_fwd, tuple):
            x_fwd = transform(x, Psi=auxiliary_data)  # [0]   # output is like (ST, Psi)
        elif (
            transform_kind == 'CURVELET'
            and hasattr(transform, '__name__')
            and transform.__name__ == 'matvec'
            x_fwd = transform(x.ravel())
            x_fwd = transform(x)

        # get threshold decay array
        decay = get_threshold_decay(

        # init data variables
        x_old = x
        x_inv = x

        # init variable for improved convergence (Yang et al., 2013)
        if version == 'fast':
            v = 1

        t0 = time.perf_counter()
        if path_results is not None:
            costs = []

        for iiter in range(niter):
            if verbose:
                print(f'[Iteration: <{iiter+1:3d}>]')

            if version == 'regular':
                x_input = x_old
            elif version == 'fast':  # Yang et al. (2013)
                # improved convergence
                v1 = (1 + np.sqrt(1 + 4 * v**2)) / 2
                frac = (v - 1) / (v1 + 1)  # Gan et al. (2015)
                v = v1
                x_input = x_inv + frac * (x_inv - x_old)  # prediction
            elif version == 'adaptive':  # Wang et al. (2015, 2016)
                # init adaptive input data
                x_tmp = alpha * x + (1 - alpha * mask) * x_old
                x_input = x_tmp + (1 - alpha) * (x - mask * x_old)
                # x_input = x_inv + (1 - alpha) * (x - mask * x_old)

            # (1) forward transform
            if (
                transform_kind == 'CURVELET'
                and hasattr(transform, '__name__')
                and transform.__name__ == 'matvec'
                X = transform(x_input.ravel())
            elif transform_kind == 'WAVELET':
                X = transform(x_input)
                lowpass = X[0].copy()
                X = X[1:]
            elif transform_kind == 'SHEARLET':
                X = transform(x_input, Psi=auxiliary_data)
                X = transform(x_input)

            # (2) thresholding
            _decay = np.sqrt(decay[iiter]) if sqrt_decay else decay[iiter]
            if transform_kind == 'WAVELET' and isinstance(X, list):
                X_thresh = threshold_wavelet(X, _decay, kind=thresh_op)
                X_thresh = threshold(X, _decay, kind=thresh_op)

            # (3) inverse transform
            if (
                transform_kind == 'CURVELET'
                and hasattr(itransform, '__name__')
                and itransform.__name__ == 'rmatvec'
                x_inv = itransform(X_thresh).reshape(shape)
            elif transform_kind == 'WAVELET':
                x_inv = itransform([lowpass] + X_thresh)[original_shape]
            elif transform_kind == 'SHEARLET':
                x_inv = itransform(X_thresh, Psi=auxiliary_data)
                x_inv = itransform(X_thresh)

            # (4) apply mask (scaled by weighting factor)
            x_inv *= 1 - alpha * mask

            # (5) add original data (scaled by weighting factor)
            x_inv += x * alpha

            # cost function from Gao et al. (2013)
            cost = np.sum(np.abs(x_inv) - np.abs(x_old)) ** 2 / np.sum(np.abs(x_inv)) ** 2
            if path_results is not None:
            if verbose:
                print('[INFO]   cost:', cost)

            # set result from previous iteration as new input
            x_old = x_inv

            if iiter > 2 and cost < eps:

        niterations = iiter + 1
        runtime = time.perf_counter() - t0

    if verbose:
        print('\n' + '-' * 20)
        print(f'# iterations:  {niterations:4d}')
        print(f'cost function: {cost}')
        print(f'runtime:       {runtime:.3f} s')
        print('-' * 20)

    if isinstance(results_dict, dict):
        results_dict['niterations'] = niterations
        results_dict['runtime'] = round(runtime, 3)
        results_dict['cost'] = cost

    if path_results is not None:
        with open(path_results, mode="a", newline='\n') as f:
            f.write(';'.join([str(i) for i in [niterations, runtime] + costs]) + '\n')

    if is_complex_input:
        return x_inv

    return np.real(x_inv)

Last update: Monday, 03 July 2023 at 09:46:51