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Workflow structure#

This workflow was created to enable the interpolation of high-resolution subbottom profiler data (2-6 kHz) into pseudo-3D cubes. Potential applications include:

  • Pseudo-3D interpolation of:

    • subbottom profiler data (SBP)

    • single channel reflection seismic (SCS)

    • multichannel reflection seismic (MCS)

  • Upsampling of existing post-stack 3D seismic volumes (e.g., in crossline direction)

The workflow can be subdivided into two separate stages (Figure 1):

  1. 2D (pre-)processing of individual profiles
  2. 3D interpolation of binned, sparse cube

Stage 1: Processing of SBP profiles (2D)#

The most essential pre-processing steps for a subsequent 3D interpolation aim to correct the vertical offset between the input profiles. Without a sufficient correction, such offsets, especially at profile intersections, result in low quality interpolation outputs. This issue is addressed by three processing steps in the fist stage (Figure 1, upper panel):

2D stage: Input data types

For most of the scripts of the 2D processing stage, three different input types are allowed:

  1. single SEG-Y file (e.g., filename.sgy)
  2. datalist of files to process (e.g., datalist.txt)
  3. directory with input files (e.g., /input_dir)

The datalist is a plain text file that contains the path and name of files to process relativ to the datalist.txt file:


for an examplary folder structure like this:

|-- folder/
|    |-- file1.sgy
|    |-- file2.sgy
|-- datalist.txt

Stage 2: Sparse data interpolation (3D)#

In the second stage, the following processing steps are conducted (Figure 1, lower panel):

3D stage: Input data

Most scripts of the second, 3D processing and interpolation stage require a single netCDF file and, most often, one or more YAML configuration files.
An exception is the binning script, which needs multiple 2D netCDF files.

Mistie (in time domain) for individual TOPAS profiles

Figure 1: Schematic diagram of pseudo-3D interpolation workflow showing two stages: 2D processing of each profile (upper panel) and 3D interpolation of sparse 3D cube (lower panel).

Last update: Monday, 03 July 2023 at 09:46:51